
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Uppity Negrita Bonita

I wear my words as a banner representing all that I am and all that I stand for and I make no excuses. Neither will I allow the common few to enslave my tongue, my attitude or my contention on a matter. I have not come to ask permission to serve, but rather I have come reverently, consciously and courageously to take the helm of servitude. Not because you common few wanted it, but rather despite your attempts to stifle it.

I will never be who you decide I am because I am not defined by the common few. I am designed by my God and only HE has set the boundaries of my existence.

The common only look for the ordinary, give only what they can spare and have limited awareness of self, self-actualization or the need to be more than a voice but instead a vehicle. A vehicle to aid in all the ails they uncover, all the shortcomings and shortfalls they so readily expose.

BUT -- then that would make them uncommon and extraordinary. AND -- that would take more than just a whine, a line and a comment. It would mean you risk upsetting the common few to become an Uppity Negrita Bonita.

Long live THE Uppity!


  1. Renata,
    I am very proud of your definition. I attended the same public schools and lived within the same community as you as a youth; and your dedication to bridge the gap is commendable. Do not allow anyone to steal the crown in which GOD has placed upon your head. Continue to wear it with humility and commitment. Thank you for your dedication... GOD BLESS

  2. Thanks A -- I appreciate the SUPPORT!


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