I want to correct the perception of a quote from me that Mr. Spivey printed in response to a phone interview regarding the situation with fellow board member and friend Rashid Abdul Haqq in a recently published article. Lest ANYONE think that I believe our current legal, penal and otherwise justice system is “working”. At best -- it has pockets of light and Mr. Abdul Haqq is one of those shining glimmers.
What I actually said was that… if the purpose of our legal system is to reform criminals– then – Mr. Haqq is an example of a prison system that works.
That reads a lot different than the naiveté pronouncement that our prison system works. I was making a point that obviously missed its mark (pun intended???). The rest of the quote, although not in full report, I did say and was properly, contextually speaking, conveyed. So much for providing context; consider the lesson learned.
Why provide clarity now...Simple -- I have too many friends and love ones who have been through the penal system; some abused beyond repair, others reformed and far too many willing recidivists, but rarely as a result of a prison system that works...
As for my fellow BOE comrade – I look forward to serving this community’s children along side of you. There is something to be said about an individual who does the right thing simply because IT IS THE RIGHT THING!