
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yes…Let’s Talk

“The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”
I’ve be racking my brains trying to figure out why Plainfield can’t seem to experience educational success. Then I got this comment today: “Renata, just like I thought you are as crazy as they come. Please grow-up. You are the main reason why PEP was destroyed and as i thought you will be a part of the destruction of the Plainfield Public School District.”

Maybe that’s it! Maybe that is what keeps us from experiencing educational success.

We expect from others more than we are willing to give of ourselves. Further, we punish those that give a care. And most disheartening is that WE don’t believe it is possible ourselves! If we did we wouldn’t try to sabotage the slightest forward motion.

There is a scripture that says, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue…” (Proverbs 18:21). Now I don’t expect you none believers to get the ‘truth’ in this statement, in fact I don’t expect you to get me at all…but for those of us who profess to be Christians, we have got to know that this is the unmitigated Gospel.

I’ve read the encouraging writings of Dr. E=MC^2  who by all account appears to be an insider educator. Who better to offer US insight into what can be done better in this district! It’s going to take them exposing their true identity to get this done though. And trust me I certainly understand the need for anonymity because this crowd is fickle, rough and will flip like a pancake!

So how do we take input from people like Dr. E=MC^2, and others who try to provide sound advice and direction. Certainly it’s going to take us moving away from in front of the computer screen and into the public sector. But will the public receive them? Or will we continue to do what we are doing now and assume the worse, blame blindly and defame systematically? Some deserve it! Some do not!

Plainfield has got to get rid of its recidivist mentality if we are ever going to get any further than a 1 year experiment.

“I’d rather be thought CRAZY by the unintelligent, than proven COWARDICE and apathetic by substantial evidence!"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Michele!

And for my last post of the day, but certainly not the least in importance...

Happy Birthday to My Oldest and Dearest Sister: Michele

Much Love to YOU and I pray you many, many more Birthdays!

Michele Lynnette Moore -- Sister Numero Uno!

Who's "DownWithIt"...?

Those inquiring well-read minds concerned about the direction of this Board ought to have seen or at least heard about the upcoming retreat scheduled for July 24th. It’s been discussed at the last 3 Board meetings and posted on the district website.

Furthermore – it is during this time that this Board charts its direction. Given that this 9-Member Board has not had the opportunity to even BEGIN having conversation about “WHERE” we are going, is it too much to ask the concerned public that’s “down with it” to allow us this time? Then on July 25th you can rip into us about how disappointed you are blah, blah, blah.

So – let’s “get with it” and at least afford those with the courage to author change the chance to sit down at the table and begin penning it.

Also, please take this opportunity to read the past agendas since May 4th and see what issues we’ve been dealing with -- the facts bear out our current course work. While you are looking – discover what’s been done, take note of what is yet to be done and then join one of the many committees currently under development. This way YOU become a part of the change you so desperately seek.

Ready, Set – STAND!

What A Grand Slammer's Been Thinking, Doing, Feeling, Seeing...

I'm at the Board Meetings Every Tuesday, and of late Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays too. So if you want to know what I'm thinking, doing, feeling etc... you can ask me personally or at the mic whatever is your druthers. I've written several blog postings about my position, thoughts and experience to date so that's a starting point for "trying to figure out" what this 'Grand SLAMMER' is doing.

The Grand SLAM slate really only has ONE outspoken person, the others are intelligent, strong minded, opinionated, passionate about the children and involved in the process, but outspoken is not a character I would assess to them. So -- why are they expected to be NOW?!!

Who else on the Board has an interest in sharing their thoughts with the public with regard to their choices, decisions and/or concerns? Ever? Why is that?

Well for one it is certainly easier to let people think what they want to then to try to give them the facts. I've seen that first hand. The real deal is that I don't share the truth because that's what people want but rather I share the truth because THAT's WHAT I SAID I WOULD DO.

At the end of the day when YOU have decided that it's important enough for you to ask me face-to-face --- I'll be there to answer your questions.

Are you ready to listen...is the question.

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