
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eventually they are going to realize...

I hope you all have gotten to see the love letters I received for “what???” speaking my mind, espousing my opinion, supporting an idea of someone they loathe. Or, would that be for exercising my Freedom of Speech – Nope – We all stand corrected as my daughter so eloquently told me what we are ‘writing’ about has to do with Freedom of the Press. How about that?!!!

I’ve been compared to Palin, Gorcey and a GIANT emoticon … LOL the latter is the basis for this post.

So in my awkward lingua franca de Renata here we go…

Ot Tan – morf eno nocitome ot rehtona – doog  thgin!

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