
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

One Less Egg To Fry...

I know those of you who do the Blog circus, I mean circuit, are expecting some scathing comeback.


At the advice of one of Dan’s regulars here’s a simple single sentence:

Dan – I would be extremely honored if you would remove my blog from your CLIPS line-up.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Worthwhile Way to Spend Your Saturday...

They Just Keep Pulling Me BACK...

For your information I was responding to a question posed on another's blog, and so that I would not have to "wonder' if the blogger would post my reply, I did it myself.

So there...

And as you folks love to tag team me...

The Proof is in the Print...
Turns out I was right...Hmmm --wonder how that could have happened?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dear Michael...

Just in case the blog owner doesn't feel like posting my response...

Michael-either your tapped in or not. Do you wait to get your child's report card to find out they are failing? Or, do you proactively check the online grading system?
Do you wait to get "news flashes" from the newspapers, or is reading the paper a part of your daily reading material?

Do you care because it's the in thing to do, or do you simpy care?

Let's be clear here -- the agenda is not shared with the Board (that being ALL Board members)until it is shared with the public. So we don't drive advertisement as such.

We read the agenda to see what is coming up when we get it on Friday. It's posted on the web, graphics and all, with highlights of what is to come. It is posted in newspapers.

Concerned folks who can OPRA everything under the sun, Google deleted blog postings, hunt done stories all across this town and rant and rave about everything from trees to bees knees -- should certainly stay "up" on what's going on in the city they live in and the issues they care so deeply about...that's simply my position on the matter.

There could have been more advertisement, certainly, but from experience that might have meant 3-5 more people. The point is the community is failing our schools by not coming out and staying informed, and again that is simply my position.

There was a wealth of information and presentations given that is solid fodder, not this rumor-mill garbage currently floating about, for asking real issue-solving questions and creating opportunities for community involvement and partnerships.

I'll certainly bring this up to the CSA as there will be a part II and hopefully -- I'll see you there.

Good Evening

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