
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Goal: Infusing Technology in The Classroom -- What's Your Opinion?

To Take the Survey - Click Picture

Let Me Help You With This!

So – I come home last night and like every night I ask my daughter about her day. She tells me about her experience with a certain school principal yesterday (not PAAAS).

Apparently, the adult in him couldn’t separate my child from her mom. Are you kidding me?!!!

I guess my Blog posting hit home. Good. It Should!

This is not personal – Don’t make it!

It’s Economics!

It’s about Educational Excellence!

It’s About the CHILDREN! I know this latter statement is an archaic concept – but I’m bringing it back in style!

You hurt her feelings!

You an adult whom she respected and regarded kindly -- hurt her feelings.  Did you think she wouldn't notice, feel it, sense the disregard and disrespect? Did you think she wouldn't mention it to her mom?  The fact that she had it on her heart and mind until I got home disturbs me greatly! Come on buddy. You know me and you know how I feel about mine. Nobody get's a pass to hurt my daughter!

Don’t let it happen again!

Let this serve as my outreach to you -- you know how to reach me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stick A Fork In It!

I’ve been doing this civic duty for 7 months. I’m learning, I’m listening but most of all I’ve been watching. And I AIN’T HAPPY! In fact I AM APPALLED!

It has not gone unnoticed that 1 school, for whom and by all accounts had the least district support, made AYP. It has NOT gone unnoticed that all the building-based administrators of our schools make SIX solid figures, are in large measure DISCONNECTED from this community and in greater measure are DISRESPECTFUL across the board. I say – It has not gone unnoticed.

As a resident of this city and as a tax payer who contributes to your hefty $$$,$$$.00/100 – I’ve had enough of YOU!

For every dime I spend on you to further your education, update your skills, and for you to professionally develop – I’m demanding a RETURN ON MY INVESTMENT. The idea and time of ENTITLEMENT is OVERRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've Sown and now it is time to REAP!

It is time to smoke out each and every one of YOU – one by one, in duos or trios, quads, gaggles, troops, groups, crowds or silent partner who:






To the rest of YOU…Opportunity Awaits!

It’s time to make room for those who want to be here...

  • AND
  • Realize that the PARENTS and COMMUNITY of this city are the CUSTOMER-BASE and that YOU are privileged to be in the company of their CHILDREN!

P.S. Comments only welcomed from those of you who use a real, traceable, and valid ID – otherwise talk to the hand!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

In Context...

I want to correct a blogger's erroneous interpretation about my "feelings" regarding take-home textbooks.  I specifically said that the building based Administrator would be better able to determine the specific needs of their schools, and because it is their budget dollars they should make the decisions that best serves their school's students.

The suggestion was that Principals should be mandated by the BOE as to what to do -- ergo the referenced policy for same. I "feel" they should be given enough autonomy and flexibility to do what is needed at their school. These are highly paid professionals and they should know how to manage the affairs of their students, parents and schools - FISCALLY, FAIRLY, EFFECTIVELY and SUCCESSFULLY.  If parents have complaints that do not get resolved by the building based administrator then it should be escalated to the CSA and BOE respectively.

It was also shared that the interim CSA has not received any complaints about the lack of books this year by parents, and in fact parents have been complaining that the books are too heavy.  For the record, I have not personally received any complaints either regarding the lack of books this year, but I have too had several concerns brought to me about the weightiness of the children's bookbags due to the amount of books they are bringing home.

So -- there are books...

I personally don't think my daughter needs to bring home a book unless the assignment requires it. Not all do, in fact many don't. When there's a question on a subject matter we look it up on the web yielding a rich source of information that we browse through to get our questions answered. AndYes, I know not everyone has a computer, but many do. And again -- I'm talking about the needs of my household not every child -- just as the blogger in question was specifically speaking to her needs and that of her child.

I think that is one of our biggest problems --we want to dictate the needs of  every household's educational needs instead of providing the flexibility that speaks directly to each child's need. It's more effective and efficient both academically and financially.  If a parent feels their child needs to bring home a book -- then it should be provided - no question! But let's allow the individual conversations to happen between parent and teacher, and parent and administrator (if needed) to decide what is instructionally best for the child.

It can no longer be assumed that every child will have a take-home textbook in every subject, but it should be ABSOLUTELY expected that if a parent wants a book for their child to take home then it should be provided without fail.

So--let me be perfectly clear here-- I "FEEL" a student should be provided WHAT EVER they need to be a successful student; at no point during the discussion did I say, imply or suggest that a student should not be given a textbook. My point, in our brief conversation, was simply at WHAT LEVEL I believe those decisions should be guided.

I really dislike being misquoted/mis-contextualized!

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