
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Next Post...Youth Master Plan Initiative

Lots of folks at the table...

Varying disciplines and expertise...





I'll tell you what I think, what I know and what I hope...

Looking forward to GREAT things!

It is 3 A's...

It is PAAAS -- as in the Plainfield Academy for the Arts and Advanced Studies.

As for PAAAS...if students are funded at $15.4K per year as reported by NJDOE and there are ~160 students to date -- this equals $2.5M... that has nothing to do with grant monies. NOW here is a very important thing to remember -- these students were LOST to the district for the most part. If PAAAS had not been created these students would have been enrolled into local charter and other private schools, thereby decreasing the district's funds by $2.5M. So there is no siphoning of any funds --they are doing this district a favor by even being here!!!

The majority of PAAAS students represent 'win-backs' of a fleeing population in this district. Just talk to some of the parents whose children attend this school.

Let me correct something; PAAAS did NOT lose funding as was stated by another blogger! That's not what was said nor is it indicative of the situation. PAAAS was started on grant monies the district received. These funds have since been spent and as such the next iteration of funding will EITHER be paid for by the district budget or through the application of other grant monies. It was never definitive that grant monies would not be applied for or obtained. In fact it was stated that "IF" funding could not be secured "THEN" the district would have to pick up the cost of the school; which again since students contribute funds to the district's coffers by virtue of their presence (AKA school attendance) then certainly one can see the necessity and value in retaining said students.

And another thing...

Honestly, the notion put forth by one of the other blogger’s commenter is so ill conceived. NO matter what school our children go to in the district the decisions we make as a Board member impacts ALL THE SCHOOLS. If we used the commenter’s logic then we would not be able to place our children in any of the schools. This, by the way, would be in direct opposition to those who complain about Board members who do not have children in district schools. You can't have it both ways, try as you may.

The criterion for PAAAS is a part of their application process; please take time to read it on their site, visit the school, talk with the administrator, rub elbows with the students and staff. The Board did not have any input on the development of the criteria nor do they "DECIDE" who gets to attend. Our children had to audition just like EVERYBODY else!

PAAAS’s scores are posted on the NJ Dept of Ed. Please take some time to look it up. There is work to be done for sure, but as was posted weeks ago they were ranked one of the HIGHEST in literacy proficiency on the NJASK for 8th graders within our district cluster. Given this is their 2nd year let us see what we get this go ‘round and the next. If the generally accepted standards for assessment takes 3 years to gather data and begin indentifying correlations, independent factors and statistically significant p-values – certainly our students and this school deserves this same consideration.

Next Issue...

O.K. -- I'll Bite...

Really what explanation do you need? The figures are public and published. If Barack cost the district over $1M last year and is now costing us pennies on the dollar does this not speak to financial and operating efficiencies? What needs to be remembered is that Barack Obama Academy was moved into a building that is already a fully functioning facility; thus overhead cost are sunk, an administrator was transferred NOT hired, and the classroom space existed as did the chairs, desks, computers, gym, cafeteria, etc... AND… which is the MOST IMPORTANT factor–these students are THRIVING! What other proof do you need that the rationale and implementation of this school is not only efficient but EFFECTIVE in educating our students!

And lastly, Barack Obama is NOT a rehabilitation school for problem children –that is just so ill advised, and I find that classification totally offensive. It is an alternative educational program for students who require differentiated learning i.e. smaller class sizes, remediation and yes some socially-geared supportive services. Here is their website http://www.plainfieldnjk12.org/Schools/BOAACD/BOAACD.htm look them up. Pay a visit to the school, rub elbows with the students and staff -- SEE for YOURSELF!!!

This community needs to be rehabbed! We need a school for problem making, ill-informed, issue brandishing, blah, blah blahggers…. All issues and no sustenance!

Do you know what our students need?

Do you?

They need people who are smart and have time on their hands to come to the schools to TUTOR and nurture them. They need people who know how to write well to help them score solidly on the NJASK literacy portion of the exam; like formally taught writers, reporters, journalists and communications, public relations specialists.

They need people who are good with numbers to help tutor them to do well on the NJASK math portion of the exam; like doctors, lawyers, accountants and realtors. They need people who are bi-lingual to help ESL students succeed in our community and in our schools; like native Hispanics, advocacy groups, retirees, and homemakers.

That is what our city schools need. That is how you can help!

Ooh but you didn’t ask how you can help now did you? My bad, silly of me thinking you were interested in doing something to help our students thrive.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Only Because I Care!

The following OPINION will undoubtedly raise some brows so I wanted to provide this little caveat so that folks will know the spirit in which this write-up is being offered. I believe EXCELLENCE is a top-down behavior. I also believe it is important that we provide honest and usefully constructive criticism to help drive improvements, which in turn delivers EXCELLENCE. With that said, let’s chat about yesterday's Chamber of Commerce experience.

First let me start off by saying it was wonderful to see so many people gathered for the expressed purpose of discussing economic development in the city of Plainfield. As Mr. Dunn remarked, the rebuilding of this city is going to require the collective mindset and commitment of our diverse community. I hope this is the beginning of the Queen city reclaiming her majesty!

Now having said that, here’s where this event faltered…

I’m not exactly clear what the evening’s event was about. What did the Chamber wish to gain as a result of the meeting? New Applicants? Real economic develop discourse? Networking? Ideas? Next Steps? All? Neither? Or, Something else?

As a meeting planner I can NOT help but look at the details, or lack thereof. And if I were to grade the execution of this meeting is would be a D- and here’s why…

No chairs for invitees who worked all day (this can be assumed given it was held during the work week and in the PM)

o Being asked to stand on their feet (some in heels) for 2+ hr shows a lack of consideration and decorum

o Solution:

Reaching out to the local school board could have easily remedied this as they have chairs and tables ‘a plenty’ that could have been loaned out for this event. What an awesome opportunity to PARNTER with community stakeholders!
We MUST do better at this!

No podium

o Speakers had to juggle papers (very distracting)

o Speakers turned their back on the audience (although briefly) to find a resting place for their papers

Overall this gave an appearance of unpreparedness and very elementary; quite frankly unprofessional and does not display the level of EXCELLENCE we need at this juncture of our city’s plight to turn things around.

It took away from the content of the presentations

o So that I am clear – there WAS ABSOLUTE VALUE offered last evening by the speakers but these ‘details’ detracted from the overall effectiveness of the opportunity
If a person registered for an event that person should have a copy of EVERYTHING that was a part of the evening’s event; including:

o Name tag

o Give-a-ways

o Presentations etc…

o And yes a SEAT

 This was an absolute miss on the part of the coordinators. They took the time to send out an electronic invitation with an RSVP confirmation mechanism, which captured names and other important information, and then did not utilize this information to present a polished, professionally coordinated meeting.
This BURNS my hide!!!

Speaker handouts
o They should be quality checked and coordinated or they should NOT be allowed to be distributed at YOUR function and that’s THAT!

o You own the event! The perception of how it is managed from the door (which by the way was very pleasant from the security guard to the woman welcoming you in) but then it took a nose dive. It became haphazard and discombobulated, and then a cluster of confusion as folks stood around jockeying for a position to “see” the presenter.

 The presenter should always be in view of the audience…ALWAYS!!!
Standing room only versus A Seated Group (area) That was a travesty

o It took on an US against THEM persona

 The ARRIVED versus the YET-TO-ARRIVE

• This is certainly no way to create an atmosphere of inclusion and collaboration
o Suggestion

 This type of event should never have a VIP area, EVER! If however, there is a need to have an area for your speakers then curtain them off from the general view of the public. One should not be able to see folks chatting and chewing while the “would-bees” are stuck standing and listening. It is a distraction from the presenter and rude. Not a good look!

 Let me be clear, this is the PRECEPTION of the situation. I do not believe that was the INTENT of this group.

• You just need to be aware of creating this type of adversarial/awkwardness.
If you advertise someone and they don’t show up – HELLO-- you don’t get to pretend it didn’t happen.

o Be a gracious host and address the public cordially and honestly. Anything less is shyster-ish . (I’m just saying…)
Well that about does it. I hope the next gathering of such a diversed group of folks will allow for some real idea exchanges, focus group development, but most importantly yield some well thought out economic development plans!

So, after all this I bet you are wondering if I would accept another invitation to attend such an event. Absolutely! I KNOW we can do better!

The real question is –will I be invited again? The answer depends on whether we want to do better, or are we OK with maintaining less than optimal outcomes!

Being A Doer of the "Words"...

I received a new and vibrant sales solicitation from the Courier News yesterday to sign-up for home delivery for the Sunday News. Normally these colorful sales aids receive a cursory review, and then immediately in the trash it does go. However, given the most recent and highly publicize issues with our local news purveyor I took a more conscientious look.

Much like all that ails this city we have a lot of talkers and very few fixers, doers actively working to right what is wrong.

I think that if “we” who posted all kinds of good will to our resident reporter REALLY mean what we say we will put our $$$ where our mouth/print/posts/comments are!

So, Mark – the Courier can thank you directly for something I have not done for over 20 years – subscribe to the Courier.

Why – because I know what keeps you employed -- at the end of the day -- is paying consumers!

Here’s to walking the talk!


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