
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Now Back To R.E.A.L. Business at Hand

The R.E.A.L. Work...

R=Ready E=Engaged A=Accountable L=Leveraged!

Gossip is as Gossip Does...

Gossip is idle talk or rumor; it forms one of the oldest and most common means of sharing (unproven) facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and other variations into the information transmitted. The term also carries implications that the news so transmitted (usually) has a personal or trivial nature, as opposed to normal conversation.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Sky Is Falling...

I’ve let the misinformation go on long enough!

The current steamroller effect of the Barack Obama Academy situation is exactly why Plainfield stalls more often than not. The first question is who released it to the public? The Board had not even had this conversation … not on an agenda or executive session.

Again – who released the information and WHY?

The transferring of personnel has been on-going for months so to draw conclusions as to the "PLAN" for Barack Obama Academy is just irresponsible.

Look at the absolute unnecessary commentary ensuing. The CSA has not even been given the courtesy of putting together a plan to present to the public and OPINIONS are running amuck – as par PLAINFIELD.

I feel most concern about the youth served by Barack Obama Academy who were so heart wrenching bothered by the RUMORS.  That adults would feed this to those kids is so counterproductive and counter to what we as adults and especially educators should be doing. It’s appalling!

Misinformation is more dangerous than MALICIOUS LIES!

So can we agree that Lincoln School was not EVER appropriate for those students? The ironic thing is that some of the very same people who came to the MIC Tuesday came to the MIC months ago complaining about the gym size, asbestos, non-compliance with building codes, lack of services e.g. electives etc…and NOW they argue to leave them there. That is the argument right? Because again the CSA has not even been given the opportunity to present a full plan to the public and further as some have commented WITH community input.

As my fellow Board Member, Mr. Abdul-Haqq remarked – along with him, I will not allow these kids to be marginalized and ignored. I am confident our CSA will provide us with a well fettered plan that will enhance the high school experience of these students, but most importantly ensure they receive the necessary skills to be productive citizens. That IS what this is about -- RIGHT!

I just hope that when the plan is made public, and the students of Barack Obama Academy continue to succeed, that all those negative gossip mongers will give the CSA the credit and kudos.

Community cooperation is NOT a one way street.  This should be about respecting the people put in place to make the plan and allowing that to happen.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

If You Say So Lovey...

I’m going to go with the energy my daughter has put forth on her blog although I’m not exactly in that space. I’ll take it out of the mouth of my babe and trust that she “feels” a different energy in our presence or she is prophesying.

Either way – the positive energy is much needed not only in our BOE meetings by citywide!

Speak the thing as though it is Lovey and so it shall be!

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