
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Glass Houses

The following postings are as a result of a Facebook posting of the pictures noted herein. So – you see Plainfield is WATCHING near and far!

[A couple of acronym explanations: SMH/SMDH=shaking my head/shaking my darn head -- as in tsk, tsk, tsk, LOL=laughing out loud, LMBO/LMAO=Laughing my butt off, WTH=What the heck]

Why our kids can't talk/read. Every parent should be outraged! Smh

1. lol

2. Oh damn...crying shame...this is not funny. And to think we went here.

3. LOL

4. Dang... And I graduated from Evergreen. What a shame. Let's just pray they knew the proper verb tense but ran out of Ss.

5. I was thinking the same thing...

6. That's a damn shame...I'm glad I went to Barlow!!! Lol

7. Yes, that is a shame!! GO SCHOOL ONE!!! LMBO!!

8. LAWD!! I am going to play Devil's advocate here: ! Maybe they didn't have another "S" or an "A". Blame it on the budget!! LOL!!

9. Lawd ha mercy! What next?

10. I was thinking the same thing. If they ran out of "S's, they should've come up with something else to say. This is some ish. And people wonder why I'm paying for private school...at least my kids know how to conjugate verbs. I showed the picture to my kids and after laughing, they began to understand why I send them elsewhere. They've wondered why they don't go to school with their friends...this is exactly why.

11. LOL!!!! Yes...Barlow has not embarrassed us...yet.

12. Only God knows what else is next....smh.

13. If only this was Evergreen School in Scotch Plains, but alas...it's Plainfield...smh again...

14. Soooooo embarrassing!! Makes me sick that we have to pay ridiculously high taxes AND pay for private school!

15. My thoughts exactly...and you're paying for three! Your family leaving the district this year is a huge loss. You're an intact, educated, involved family...which is exactly what Plfd needs to try to hold on to, but they can't get it together. There are even board members who don't send their kids to school here because they know what a mess it is.

16. Is it possible that they ran out of letters and didn't have an extra 'A' or 'S'?? :)

17. Quite possibly, but that display board is in the front of the bldg for all to see. They should've said something that didn't require as many A's and S's. That's just poor publicity, especially for a school and even more so for a school in a district with such a poor reputation. (Not all of it is deserved.)

18. WOW......We need to pray for Plainfield School District. I will continue to do my best to ensure that the kids that cross my path are getting what they deserve. Parent involvement is key!

19. It sure is. I'm sure not one parent will complain. A 7 year old kid (just finished 1st grade) saw it and asked his mom, "Is that right?" She read it and was flabbergasted. Even he knew it was wrong. His mom took a pic and sent it to me because she knows I used to work in Plfd. I didn't have the heart to tell her I used to teach there. ????, continue to do what u do...u were always so committed to the kids.

20. you may have already answered the question, but where was this taken? Surely, not a reputable SD, was it?

21. Hmmm....how do I answer that question? I'll say this: Long ago, it once was , but no longer is. However, there are some really talented teachers in that district who work their tales off and some BOE members who really care. It's... hard to make things right when you're outnumbered by incompetent and/or crooked people. And who always suffers in matters such as these? The kids...

22. - such a shame... yet the same situation is being replayed across the country... I guess, the answer to the other question of location is NJ, right?

23. Yup...NJ. Sadly right here in the town where I live.

24. SMH... I TRIED to give them the benefit of the doubt. But you are absolutely correct . They should have said something else if that was the case (not enough letters). I mean it's a school! WHAT type message are they sending?

25. Let's get ...it together folks at Evergreen! I tried to be nice.... But this IS a shame! As an educator by profession in a NC school district currently on Sabbatical, as a concerned parent, as a former resident of Plfd, I feel like calling them in the morning.

26. They need to order more letters, in the meantime they should have said something that could be spelled correctly. This is unacceptable.

27. Absolutely! And I also blame the Principal for allowing this. He/she is responsible for everything concerning that bldg. This would have never happened under Gloria Williams...she would've had a fit!

28. It's pathetic on all levels!!!

29. Do you see the sign on our beloved Evergreen School? It sure is a far cry from the Evergreen we experienced in the 70s, isn't it?

30. I would rather the sign be blank.

31. Or simply, "Have a great summer." Sheesh!

32. Yes and as it gets closer to the start of school put the opening date.

33. you know that under Mrs. Williams leadership something like this would not be tolerated. I loved it when you were there. You are an excellent educator! There needs to be more action taken to see that things like this does not happen. Even if some parents are not getting involved, the tax payers need to go to board meetings (plural) and speak out against these type of things. Your children may not be attending school in this district, but we all know that kids who are not properly educated, will most likely be the same kids on the street trying to steal what you work hard for. Is anyone down with this plan? We need to be more like our ancestors and rally and speak out about this stuff but when its time to take action this is when you lose ALL of the people who complain the most.

34. You know this would have never been allowed under Mrs. Williams! Things have changed so much since you left.

35. You are exactly right. As a taxpayer, I need to be more involved myself. Thanks for pointing this out. I used ...to go to meetings years ago, but stopped when the Board President got into a disgusting argument with a community member during the public portion and snatched the mic out of the wall to prevent him from speaking! Now I knew I had a drink before the meeting, but I wasn't that drunk to mix up my letters and mistake the WWE for the BOE! LOL!

36. That Board President is now our mayor....smh...

37. LOL. I know i stopped going myself because of this type of Ghetto behavior. However, we need to start going again to some of the meetings to express our concerns.

38. Let's plan to go to a few together this year.

39. Wow that's so sad. What's sadder is that there are people that don't see anything wrong with it! This is why I never sent my son to school in Plfd,the one year that I lived there.

40. I'm still floored that the principal didn't correct this.

41. Doesn't the principal have to approve everything that goes onto that sign? Wth. Imagine how many people read this sign that were passing through Plfd, so sad.

42. I know. Someone from the school claimed that the letters had fallen off and were on the ground. While "possible", that sounds suspect to me. Those were not random letters that "fell". I could understand if a letter "within" a word fell like the "m" in September or the "t" in start. But it wasn't. I still believe that this was intentional or done by someone with no command of the English language. Either way, it's embarrassing.

43. Are they serious? If that was the case why was there no gap between Have and Nice or wherever the letters supposedly fell off? Yes still embarrassing.

44. LMAO!!! U should be a detective!

45. Lmao. Fraud investigator by trade & nature lol

46. It shows...ur in the right profession!



Did your comments yesterday cause the school to fix the sign?

1. Someone sent me the pic yesterday. I drove past the school today because I just had to see it for myself. It was fixed! Hmmmm....the power of Facebook! LOL

2. Wow....I guess BIG brother was watching...lol. They should have got it right the first time. Shout out or you....

3. WOW....grammar is better. Problems STILL exist. But better... We got them GOOD yesterday. Somebody beat me calling the school!

4. What a shame.

5. If only they would respond to other problems as quickly...maybe we would not be a district in need of improvement....

6. So true.

7. Well, I'm glad it's fixed, but still quite concerned about the person(s) who made the error in the first place

8. Oh...that person probably still remains employed with no consequences! Smdh again...

9. WOW! smh

10. Hmmm... "School Start?" "Schools Start?" OR: "School Starts?" …professionally speaking, you were top notch as a "coach" and the quality of your professionalism was sorely missed when... well, you know! Evergreen's loss!!!

11. True Statement!

12. I agree w.- smh... no, smdh!

13. Better, thanks!

14. I'm LOL at you ready to call the school/district. Go girl! I'm so proud that although you're not here, as a former product of the district, you were still as concerned.

15. Thanks so much. As crazy as Plfd is, I really miss... it and the kids. District leaders don't realize how residents and products of the district have a vested interest in seeing the district do well. We want to be teachers and ultimately administrators there, but they don't respect us. Then what do you get??? Signs like this. I agree that there's an error and that the sign should read "School starts." Are we dealing with LEP staff members now? God help Evergreen....

16. Wow! It's a shame how America is taking monies from education when this is a prime example of why it is NEEDED! Do they realize that taking away from education is taking away from "OUR" Future?????? SMDH!!!!!

17. lol! Oh the shame!

18. Yes...education is one of the worst places to cut funding. But districts have to be responsible and hire ppl who don't write "Have nice summer..."

19. Lol...Evergreen was fun in the 70s. Remember Ms. Faunce the music teacher and Mr. Fillipone the band teacher? BTW, you can untag yourself...I just wanted everyone who commented yesterday to see that an attempt was made to correct the sign.

20. It's still wrong--lol! Unless it means all schools start--and that's not the intent here!

21. As for the sign- out of curiosity, do any of the other schools in the district have the same posted? If so, I guess it implies the district resumes in Sept, but something just doesn't look right.... IDK. On a side note, just between us FB friends, you called the district on the original, didn't you?

22. I'm going to take a look. But I agree...it just doesn't look right. Lol...I know that someone took some action.

1 “Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2 for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU. 3 Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to extract the straw from your eye’; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother’s eye. Matthew: 7:1-5


  1. This truly a waste of time and don't you have better things to do than post a long comment like that? What you need to is focus on doing you job at the BOE; better still you could have had the sign corrected with just a phone call but instead you turned a simple mistake into a long drag out thing. Grow up.

  2. 9:10 AM -- you give ME too much power. First the fact that this is your early morning reading may need to change. You click on my thoughts I don't "click" on yours. I didn't post this picture on facebook. And I certainly didn't provide the 88 posts to it. It was brought to my attention -- now I'm bringing it to yours. This is my job as a BOE member. I'm sure if you have the internet you too have a phone; make the call yourself. There is POWER in ownership. Own your ship or get off the port.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Yep and this is what...How's that working for you.. LMBO!


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