
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

O.K. -- I'll Bite...

Really what explanation do you need? The figures are public and published. If Barack cost the district over $1M last year and is now costing us pennies on the dollar does this not speak to financial and operating efficiencies? What needs to be remembered is that Barack Obama Academy was moved into a building that is already a fully functioning facility; thus overhead cost are sunk, an administrator was transferred NOT hired, and the classroom space existed as did the chairs, desks, computers, gym, cafeteria, etc... AND… which is the MOST IMPORTANT factor–these students are THRIVING! What other proof do you need that the rationale and implementation of this school is not only efficient but EFFECTIVE in educating our students!

And lastly, Barack Obama is NOT a rehabilitation school for problem children –that is just so ill advised, and I find that classification totally offensive. It is an alternative educational program for students who require differentiated learning i.e. smaller class sizes, remediation and yes some socially-geared supportive services. Here is their website http://www.plainfieldnjk12.org/Schools/BOAACD/BOAACD.htm look them up. Pay a visit to the school, rub elbows with the students and staff -- SEE for YOURSELF!!!

This community needs to be rehabbed! We need a school for problem making, ill-informed, issue brandishing, blah, blah blahggers…. All issues and no sustenance!

Do you know what our students need?

Do you?

They need people who are smart and have time on their hands to come to the schools to TUTOR and nurture them. They need people who know how to write well to help them score solidly on the NJASK literacy portion of the exam; like formally taught writers, reporters, journalists and communications, public relations specialists.

They need people who are good with numbers to help tutor them to do well on the NJASK math portion of the exam; like doctors, lawyers, accountants and realtors. They need people who are bi-lingual to help ESL students succeed in our community and in our schools; like native Hispanics, advocacy groups, retirees, and homemakers.

That is what our city schools need. That is how you can help!

Ooh but you didn’t ask how you can help now did you? My bad, silly of me thinking you were interested in doing something to help our students thrive.

1 comment:

  1. Not every young person is college material nor should every young person want to go to college. Look at all the unemployed college graduates out there, in our country and around the world. There are other alternatives. For example, we used to have an auto shop program in PHS which was very valuable but which the Howard administration eliminated. It not only prepared students for real jobs, it motivated them to develop self-discipline in addition to job skills. In these high-tech days we need more attention to training in how to do things on computers besides go on facebook.


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