
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stick A Fork In It!

I’ve been doing this civic duty for 7 months. I’m learning, I’m listening but most of all I’ve been watching. And I AIN’T HAPPY! In fact I AM APPALLED!

It has not gone unnoticed that 1 school, for whom and by all accounts had the least district support, made AYP. It has NOT gone unnoticed that all the building-based administrators of our schools make SIX solid figures, are in large measure DISCONNECTED from this community and in greater measure are DISRESPECTFUL across the board. I say – It has not gone unnoticed.

As a resident of this city and as a tax payer who contributes to your hefty $$$,$$$.00/100 – I’ve had enough of YOU!

For every dime I spend on you to further your education, update your skills, and for you to professionally develop – I’m demanding a RETURN ON MY INVESTMENT. The idea and time of ENTITLEMENT is OVERRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've Sown and now it is time to REAP!

It is time to smoke out each and every one of YOU – one by one, in duos or trios, quads, gaggles, troops, groups, crowds or silent partner who:






To the rest of YOU…Opportunity Awaits!

It’s time to make room for those who want to be here...

  • AND
  • Realize that the PARENTS and COMMUNITY of this city are the CUSTOMER-BASE and that YOU are privileged to be in the company of their CHILDREN!

P.S. Comments only welcomed from those of you who use a real, traceable, and valid ID – otherwise talk to the hand!


  1. You, Renata A. Hernandez, are the TRUTH!!!!!!! Cleanout the cob webs and start fresh! This district is over run with overpaid incompetent administrators that could care LESS about the STUDENTS to whom they SERVE!! They have been ripping off this District for YEARS! Preach Preacher!!!

  2. I agree! Some of these administrators are extremely arrogant, as if they are doing us a favor being here. Who are you kidding? The moment they further their education and get a "better" offer they're outta here.

    It's just like most of the cops on the force in Plainfield. They don't live here and then go home and talk about us like a dog. As soon as a better opportunity comes along, their gone. There gotta be better policies implemented to ensure that anyone can't come in and take advantage.

  3. I agree with what you've pointed out..not sure if I would've said it as loudly (bold, italics, all caps, highlighting).. LOL...but it is correct.

    It would be interesting to see the tool that is used to evaluate the staff and administrators. Does this tool capture the necessary indicators to determine how well someone is performing in their position, based on their goals and objectives?

    It amazes me how people seem to "know" the individual(s) in this district who are not being effective in their position but yet these same ineffective employees remain employed year after year.

    My question is - what action(s) is the board willing to take in holding the Superintendent (interim, acting or permanent) accountable for the taxpayers receiving a Return on their Investment?


  4. Hey Lindsay -- I am bold, italicized, highlighted and ALL CAPS!

    I can't speak for the Board but you certainly can ASK them exactly that question.

    I'll say this, I have more power as citizen A to change what is going on then I do as a Board member. For REAL!!! All I can tell you is that RENATA is going to see what performance measures are used (Note: as a Board Member we ONLY can evaluate the CSA [period])...whatever I can do I WILL do and whatever I can't do I'm going to blog about it so the 'public' can take it from there...

    There is movement at the state level to change how educational professional are evaluate, paid, and tenured because right now "BOARDs" are restricted by "contracts" and "laws"... So when the legislature starts coming up is when we the CITIZENS will need to start speaking up.

  5. Renata,

    I am glad to see that you are openly stating what you are seeing. The path to a Grand Slam is not that clear or easy is it?

    Remember, the bulk of these administrators have been here for YEARS IF NOT DECADES....

    They were not evaluated for years PRIOR to Gallon getting here. Ask around. There was no system and he developed one.

    Dont want to sound like a Gallon ....rider but these are the facts. Different view from the inside, huh.

    You are intelligent and an independent thinker. Call it all for what it is.

    No matter who it is.

  6. Girl you are a trip but are telling the truth. The administrators are no longer accountable especially at the district level.

    What do they do all day?

    I know that is not for you to handle in the day to day but when we hear that administrators are being seen at two to three hour lunch breaks, the beauty parlor, dry cleaners, nail salon, and at the malle DURING work hours how do you think we feel as teachers in the classrooms?

    My principal works hard and comes to work everyday and on time.

    Something needs to be done about this. Morale is not good in the field.

  7. I am glad the last person mention that a principal comes to work on time and works hard, not sure if that is a co-worker but we have a dedicated principal. I have heard others do as well. There is a lot of fat to be trimmed at the board building and some who don't do their jobs - but some schools are making improvements and some administrators just took their positions and are working hard. At least three schools are being run by new principals that when I talk to people say they are there for the kids.


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