
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dear Michael...

Just in case the blog owner doesn't feel like posting my response...

Michael-either your tapped in or not. Do you wait to get your child's report card to find out they are failing? Or, do you proactively check the online grading system?
Do you wait to get "news flashes" from the newspapers, or is reading the paper a part of your daily reading material?

Do you care because it's the in thing to do, or do you simpy care?

Let's be clear here -- the agenda is not shared with the Board (that being ALL Board members)until it is shared with the public. So we don't drive advertisement as such.

We read the agenda to see what is coming up when we get it on Friday. It's posted on the web, graphics and all, with highlights of what is to come. It is posted in newspapers.

Concerned folks who can OPRA everything under the sun, Google deleted blog postings, hunt done stories all across this town and rant and rave about everything from trees to bees knees -- should certainly stay "up" on what's going on in the city they live in and the issues they care so deeply about...that's simply my position on the matter.

There could have been more advertisement, certainly, but from experience that might have meant 3-5 more people. The point is the community is failing our schools by not coming out and staying informed, and again that is simply my position.

There was a wealth of information and presentations given that is solid fodder, not this rumor-mill garbage currently floating about, for asking real issue-solving questions and creating opportunities for community involvement and partnerships.

I'll certainly bring this up to the CSA as there will be a part II and hopefully -- I'll see you there.

Good Evening


  1. I'm really not concerned about the bloggers. It seems that, given the lack of turnout, the District would be well-served to promote and publicize important events. In the short term, these efforts may seem fruitless, but in the long term, they will pay off, even if only incrementally.

  2. Mr. Townley - I've been working with folks in trying to hold public meetings for about 4 years now and we've sent flyers home, on cars, posted on the web, blogged, Nj.com'd, school marquee and even the best turn out had about 80% employees and the rest public. My point is -- That if WE CARE we show up. Consistently! We don't just write up reports complaining and pointing out errors and deficiencies.
    As I said -- will see with part II.

    Be assured I haven't given up! I also haven't given the community, specifically the bloggers who take us to task at every opportunity -- a PASS -- when it comes to upholding their end of the education success equation; that being showing up.

  3. Well, apparently you keep using the same old methods and tactics . . .time for a change, maybe?
    As Einstein said, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. "

  4. By the way, our child is in a local charter school and doing very, very well! I shudder to think of his situation if the Plainfield Public school system had gotten its hands on him.

  5. Not even slightly the case--but honestly I can see you are not really interested in what really is the case, but rather what you've have decided it to be.

    By the way, Blackdog -my child is in Plainfield Public Schools and doing very, very well! Thank God I'm involved in her education!

  6. All I can say is that it must be a great help to have a parent on the BOE! My child is making it on his own with my guidance, he is developing character, integrity and self reliance!

  7. Just as I thought -- you are as ignorant as your name and history of comments portray. I just got on the Board in April. She's in the 8th grade... Skip a grade! Honor Roll Student! Humble! Respectful! Respected! Hmm...there goes that parental involvement piece again. And P.S. donot comment on her blog with your ignorance. Keep it Grown -- OK. If you can't then stay in the other blogger's playground as we don't fancy your kind over here! Ciao!


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