
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I have been challenged and silent as I read the various commentaries regarding the Trayvon Martin case over the past week. The non-logical assessments of the facts that have been presented to date speaks to the ability of people to see the truth, but deny it by hiding behind statements like –“I’m waiting on the facts.”

Critical thinking is the ability to weigh probability, historical context, and relevance yet remain open to the discovery of truth based on what is and not get lost in a scope of hope of what is yet to come. It is more than “waiting for all the facts” especially given that historically facts are and have always been manipulated by those in power. We’ve seen this over and over again in these here United States – we only need to look at the tragedy of slavery, the holocaust and the denials thereof to affirm that “facts” in and of itself cannot alter the truth of WHAT IS!

To think peoples’ request for justice, who have historically been denied this convenience would be lambasted and chastised – it’s unconscionable.

Until we acknowledge our biases and prejudices; real, imagined and typically irrational – until we acknowledge where we are in our belief that it is CHARACTER and not Color that determines the authenticity of humanity – we will never move forward into our ONENESS which is the true purpose and measure of a derived human-kind.

Mom and Dad – I want to thank you for not allowing your children to rationalize their fears and experiences in such a way that would inhibit our ability to love each person based on “the person” – not their outer wear – bought or God-given-- not their station, their preferences, their abilities or lack thereof – but purely and simply the person.



  1. Great post, I believe what is being missed is that this man was asked by law enforcement to stay in his car and not pursue Trayvon. At that point he was acting as a vigilante taking what he thought was the law into his own hands. Because the police officers in this case do not value the life of black people, they are covering up. And have we forgotten about the blue wall of silence that was talked about so heavily in the 80s and 90s. People who used to hunt and kill black people without being questioned, now do it and lie without question. A wise man said "all that needs to happen for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing" This has happened so many times in the past all over the country with no national outcry, so those guilty ones think that they can get away with depriving a young man of his life. Yes my beloved friend one day WE shall overcome, but I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better. " justice stands afar off and equity cannot enter because truth has fallen by the wayside" There can be no peace without justice and there can be no justice without truth. The sure truth that we seek and the justice that we long for is on the way, faster than most think.

  2. Anonymous is absolutely correct that there can be no justice without the truth, so let the investigative professionals do their jobs to get at the truth.
    And by the way I have listened to those 911 calls and never heard the line "stay in your car, don't pursue."
    I do not hear calls for justice, I hear calls for lynching Zimmerman. Since when do two wrongs make a right?
    C.L.Bryant and Star Parker are making a lot of sense . . . so I guess that is why no one is listening to them.
    The protesters don't want justice, they want a televised public execution!

  3. Blackdog - its sad that this is all you've heard. I've heard a few irrational tirades, however FAR MORE are calling for justice. And are you really serious...you would need to hear them say "stay in your car". "We don't need you to do that" is what was said. What part of that direction is confusing.

    You see it is the unwillingness of people like yourself to HEAR, SEE and ACKNOWLEDGE what has transpired here. There is no need to make things up. RACISM is a real experience. INJUSTICE for MINORITY is a REAL experience.

    Two wrongs will never be right...but not acknowledging the RIGHT is ALWAYS WRONG!

  4. Thank you Rasrahmataz...well said...people who dont want the truth to be told will act like the truth did not happen...you can say u never heard stay in the car...but it was clear as this print you are reading...Two wrongs will never be right...BUT acknowleding the RIGHT is ALWAYS WRONG!...nicely and quite factly said by by Ms. Rasrahmataz...whats right is right period.

  5. NO ONE asked for a "lynching". The request is for JUSTICE. And while there is this wait for JUSTICE -Mr. George Zimmerman should be awaiting trial while in PRISON.

    I don't remember reading where Ms. Hernandez said "LYNCH HIM". Perhaps I missed it.

  6. And you will NOT hear me say that. I want Justice -- plain and simple. Let the Right be RIGHTED!


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