
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Making It Happen - Through It All!


  1. How did you sponsor it through taxpayer's dollars? Of course. Do you know the meaning of SPONSOR? Well if you don't, then let me explain to you what it means. It means to pay for it out of your own pockets. GO FIGURE

  2. Dear Anonymous - I posted your note so that the public can see just how insidious some folks can be.

    Every Board member is a tax paying citizen of Plainfield; IN FACT EVERY EMPLOYEE of the BOARD OF EDUCATION is a TAX PAYING Citizen "TO THE" city of Plainfield.

    So by your definition -- we have met the requirements. Now Go Figure!!!

    Thank you for your continued support of the students of Plainfield, NJ.

    Be well - Fondly,

    Also here's a few more definitions that fit the bill as well.

    verb (used with object)
    5. to act as sponsor for; promise, vouch, or answer for. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sponsor

    •One who assumes responsibility for another person or a group during a period of instruction, apprenticeship, or probation.
    •One who vouches for the suitability of a candidate for admission.
    •A legislator who proposes and urges adoption of a bill. http://www.answers.com/topic/sponsor

    And Finally; To sponsor something is to support an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services. A sponsor is the individual or group that provides the support.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponsor_(commercial)

    I have yet to come across your specific definition, but hey that is how the TRUTH works; it will alway outshine, overtake and reveal unTRUTH!

  3. Again did you pay for it out of your POCKETS?
    Of course not. The Plainfield School District Sponsored the Students of Plainfield School's to go see REDTAIL. Please stop trying to act like the BOE is doing something over there when I'm told you guys are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!! I know you will not post this post

  4. Of course I'll post it. And YES I did PAY FOR IT out of MY VERY OWN POCKETS!!! The BOE is doing something and I'm not being TOLD (such a passive agressive stance) Instead I am ABSOLUTELY DOING IT!!!

    Come see for yourself you have my personal invitation.


  5. Thank you to the school district for taking my child to see this all important movie RedTails. This kind of history must be shared with our youth. My son better understood the story of the Tuskeegee Airmen,and he and his classmates told me he how helpful this was with their classwork. They said the students were fully engaged and eagerly watching for the outcome of the movie.You have no idea what it means to me to see their enthusiasm about such historical facts. There are many like myself who know good when we see it. This was excellent. It is not perfect in this district, or anywhere, but it is much better than it was about 2 years ago, right about this time. Keep doing what is best, and the haters will do what they do.

  6. Dear Anon 5:27PM - Your comment is EXACTLY why I do what I do. I was there with the students and they were superb. They were truly engaged, applauded and encouraged the actors appropriately, understood the awesomeness of these fighter pilots and their relevance to this country's history.

    You see comments like the previous ones I've posted tell a story too. The Devil is busy, but LIGHT will ALWAYS drive out DARKNESS. I am DETERMINED to bring the light!

    Look forward to your son and all of PPSD students being exposed to this type of programming.

    By the way - we are doing a book study and lecture for grades 9-12 with Larry Hamm founder of Peoples Organization for Progress. We are reading a book written by Martin Luther King, Jr. "Where do we go from Here, Chaos or Community?" Please encourage your son to participate in this exciting intellectual exchange among his peers. He can ask his school's principal to secure the book for him from the Administration's office. In about two weeks we will be meeting every Saturday to discuss what they are reading; a notice will be sent home to all the students who register to participate.

    My goal as a Board Member and more recently as Board President is to empower and prepare our youth for a vibrant future.

    I thank you for your comment; it serves to encourage me to continue this valuable work.

    Be well,


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