
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hey Do You Smell That??!!...

Plainfield you showed up, ate up, M&M’d and cut a rug! Thank you to everyone for coming out – We had a GRAND Ol' Time!

Check out the District’s website over the next few days for the many, many pictures taken by our resident VIP Student Photographer.

Additional THANKS to all our donors known and unknown for the $210 worth of gift cards we raffled off! I am sure the Lucky 8 will enjoy spending their Dunkin Donuts, Walmart, A&P, Visa and Blackberry Restaurant winnings!

I cannot express sufficiently my profound thanks to the HARDEST WORKING COMMITTEE of COMMITTED folks that I have had the pleasure working with over the past 8 months. Community “In” Schools -- You guys ROCK! You charted the vision, implemented the plan, and stayed the course, and if I do say so myself, and I do – you all did an AWESOME job!!!

We’ve set the benchmark for the next generation of planners for 2nd Annual Multicultural Festival!

And as is proper -- I’d like to thank Councilors Mapp, Storch and Williams for coming out and supporting this community event. It was GOOD to see you all there!

Special thanks to the Campbells for their consistent support!!!

And finally...

[And a BIG Shoutout of THANKS to the Students of VIP lead by Mrs. Lesli Price.  They served as our greeters, photographer, servers and go-to folks along-side of members from the Jefferson Leadership Project noted in the posting below.]

Don’t forget: Meet the Candidates Chat & Chew Fundraiser
TODAY: 4 PM  Cathedral International Church, 207 Park Avenue, Plainfield. (See detail Ad Below)

P.S.:  Would love to get your feedback on what went well, what you would like to see going forward, what didn't work for you. Thanks in advance!


  1. Absolutely ,success is a good smell!I love it!Plainfield families celebrating the differences and similarities of our cultures,a real affirmation of the beauty of our community. A boatload of thanks to Renata,Keisha, and committee members for staying the course and carrying out the plan to do good for the children and families of Plainfield.Thanks for an outstanding event.
    Wilma Campbell

  2. I thought the event was wonderful--although I ate a bit too much! The 10 minutes of zumba I participated in wasn't enough to off-set the food--lol!

    Um, in terms of what I would like to see going forward? I would love to see the big kids (middle and high school) do a cultural fest like this one.

    Also, I was very impressed with the Leadership Project kids--very courtly, polite, and so sweet to the littler ones!

    Finally, I was very happy and psyched to finally meet Vashon--wonderful young man!

    I missed the early part of the evening, since I was driving in from work--but it was an awesome event!

    All best,


  3. Thanks Rebecca for your feedback. Would you believe Title I funding excludes our Highschoolers ergo why you didn't see them? Crazy Right!! I say that to say in order to have an event sponsored by our highschoolers we would have to come up with funding sources. Perhaps something the City and Schools can work on together.

    The Highschoolers are working on the Youth Summit scheduled in 2 weeks at the High School as a collaborative effort from many, many organizations throughout the city (funding sources).

    Please stop by, I'm sure you will be impressed by their work, commitment and resolve to bring PEACE, PROSPERITY and UNITY back to Plainfield.

    Again --thanks for coming and I hope to see you in a few weeks at the Friday night entertainment and the Saturday afternoon Parent/Adult Workshop

  4. Wonderful event and great to see board involvement in actual student events and positive movements. The board members, staff members, and most importantly the students were dedicated and invested in positive change. Hats off to the leadership kids, other students (yellow shirts), and to you for making this a great night.

  5. Thank you so much!

    The Students in the Gold and Black were a group mentored by Lesli Price and they go by the name of VIP. I don't know what the acronym means but I will find out and update my blog. I know it has something to do with volunteering and community involvement.

    They were an awesome group to work with! It was my first time but hopefully NOT my last. I sent Mrs. Price an email thanking her and commending the youth's service to the community that evening.

    It does my heart good to see US honoring one another!


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