
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


A Valid Point...

Looks like Mr. Green has those bloggers shook -- Again! I must say to some degree I agree with him. I’ve read the things they write about him and they are awful. I’m wondering if Bloggers who become well read (i.e. a certain % of the community becomes aware of their blog (branded if you will), they accept/solicit donations or use their blog as a marketing money generating vehicle) don’t in fact become in legal terms “public figures/entities” and as such become just as susceptible to the OPINIONS they so readily offer about others. Mr. Green is onto something here!

I believe there should be a level of “awareness” and “responsibility” [civil and legal] by which blogger’s assess the comments they receive BEFORE they decide to post them. I do believe most don’t print the blatant egregiously rude remarks, but some bloggers, who let’s just say have an obvious bias and or disdain for an individual, have and actively do post CRUDE commentary as well as comments. They also don’t print ALL the comments they get that call them on their stuff as I have sent MANY and they were not posted.

So – there is definitely a level of awareness on the parts of bloggers. The question is what is their MOTIVE? That my dear ones would be the interest of our courts!

Having had some interaction with a few of the bloggers, as well as having been directly attacked, I have “peep ’d” their hold card. I play sometimes. Sometimes they IRRITATE the crap out of me with their judgment, misinformation and reporting PURELY by hearsay (who does that?? said in today’s vernacular and inflection). Sometimes I hold back and SOMETIMES I don’t!

I have NEVER posted a blog about anyone or to ANYONE without FIRST having been the subject of their Blog, posts or comments – directly or indirectly. And…when I respond it is usually not nice. But that is how war is. When you INFER that someone is ignorant (which IS a RACIAL CHARGED word) or accuse someone of meaning this or that and write an entire posting about it, or you misquote or surmise someone must be this or that, or challenge one’s purpose, or you out and out LIE –that’s exactly what you’ve done – DECLARED WAR! And guess what -- you can’t declare war and then decide at which level your opponent should engage you.

One commenter early on told me that I ran for this position so I needed to expect to be talked about, and certainly I did anticipate that. I guess what they didn’t anticipate is that I would answer back. Somehow service in this community translates into being a doormat. There are people – specifically -- Bloggers and their commenters that feel they can say anything they want and that is that. And they can! But so too do people have the right to respond if they so choose.

I was also told, on a few occasions, to get a thick skin which I find absolutely hilarious because you can’t be in service to the public without having a tough skin. I am NOT without emotions or feelings. AND I will NOT stuff them because the public is uncomfortable with my responses. I am consistently passionate, specific in my speech and writing and comfortable with speaking my peace/piece and I’m not going to edit it for the convenience of others who don’t even speak to me in public but write about me on a regular basis. Did you think I had not noticed your practice of avoiding eye contact so as to pretend you didn’t see me? I see you!

On a final note – I surmise we get disappointed in elected officials once elected because we DON’T allow them to be WHO THEY REALLY ARE! Or WORSE we don't believe what we SEE when they SHOW US who they are! We tell them what we want and then they morph into that very thing for the sake of our vote. The problem is you cannot maintain a farce. I much rather vote for someone WHO is REAL not wavering and molding themselves to fit the MOST VOTES or the POPULAR opinions of the day.

Eventually everyone reverts back to their TRUE self. I live in my TRUE self daily! I’m not perfect but I’m in pursuit of it! Love me or leave me be!

Mr. Green – I tip my HAT to ya!


  1. Yup, hats off to Mr. Green who wrote last June on his blog:

    "Blaming me and accusing me of being the political boss, which to me is very embarrassing because my definition of ‘boss’ dates back to slavery times, but because I know the caliber of people I am dealing with, I mark them up as a group of ignorant people I have to deal with."


    I don't know. Did he infer their ignorance from what they said, or did he imply their ignorance by his direct comment? Is 'ignorant' more race-laced than 'political boss'? Do either have anything to do with race unless used in a specifically racial context?

    Why are we bringing up race anyhow? Is it a trigger to divide or an epithet to defame? Is it just a knee-jerk reaction that wells-up whenever political opponents voice dismay with an elected official's actions and comments?

    If you're a public figure, are you either to be loved or left to do whatever you want?

    Just asking, Renata, because the farce seems to be tipping your hat to someone who suggests taking legal action against bloggers who allow comments he doesn't like, that may be rude or over the top certainly, but hardly libelous, at the same time threatening a sitting City Councilwoman. Or perhaps it's just that you're angling for a little of the 'Green' that went to an opposing slate in the last school board election? That might be tough because the husband of one of those, and a former Green employee, has filed to run in the primary for City Council. So he might get first dibs on the cash.

    Whatever. Jerry's real. Really for himself. How many of those vendors, consultants, lawyers, or auditors you vote on with the school board pay into his campaign war chest? Who's getting the biggest bang for the buck- the contractors, the district bureaucracy, the PDCC Chairman, or Plainfield students? Could be one of those beautiful synergistic things, but I doubt it.

  2. Alan -- since you asked. Every culture of people has words that were used to dehumanize them. For me one of those words is "ignorant". Do/Did you know that the word Nigger was defined as an "ignorant black person" ergo why it is offensive to me and I don't use it. So when it is USED to define me directly or by association I'm offended.

    And WHY is it that every time someone brings up race it is seen as divisive? Let’s be clear here RACE and RACIAL/RACIAL Charged are two different things. One simply identifies a class of people while the other intends to marginalize and devalue a class of people.

    What if it starts the kind of conversation that bring about learning and understanding – this bringing up of race thing. We have to stop being afraid of having emotionally charged conversation with regard to race, religion and YES politics. However -- we certainly need to remain mature enough to HEAR each other out and STOP the NAME CALLING because to me that is what marginalizes people and tries to silence them. What else does the purpose of such behavior have?

    When I write something that "stings" I'm called vitriolic...When YOU and YOU HAVE, Bernice, Maria, Rob, Bob, DOC, DAN, BlackDog and the rest write something that's full of accusations, insults, rudeness and OPINIONS it considered editorializing.

    What's that about?

    Additionally, I'm NOT talking about having in print WHAT WE DON'T LIKE to HEAR about ourselves as in trying to muzzle people -- Come on now -- ME-- Miss Opinionated herself! I would NOT stand for that! I’m referring to what is Libel. Out and out mischaracterizations and lies simply to get “readers” piqued. That’s childlike and disingenuous and does NOTHING to move this city forward. I think Bloggers should not allow their information portal to be used in that manner. It is in it this regard that I tip my hat. Nothing else...NOTHING MORE!

    At the end of the day -- It really is about being sensitive to humankind. I have never in all 1000+ of my writings ever used someone’s ethnicity or race/culture to attack them. Coming from a people that had to overcome such senseless attacks; I refuse to perpetrate that fraud on anyone else.

    Thanks for asking…

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Alan was offering a critical analysis, and you go on the attack using the very same tools he questioned? Is the word "ignorant" racist? Really? Not within my ken. Your net for racial dispersions seems to be cast over a large area. Perhaps, for the purpose of future civil discourse, you could provide us with a list of words you find racially offensive.

  5. Razz:

    Please stop inferring that everything is prejudemental and aligned against you. It seems as if you take matters personally, which have nothing to do with you. To even indicate that Jerry is correct and you support him, makes me shudder to think about how independent you really are. The words you spoke during the campaign were just that words. Sadly, your actions are becoming all to familiar to those in Plainfield who decide to join the lemmings leaping over the cliff, blindly declaring themselves- free of political taint. It never is true once they get elected to office in Plainfield. Also, your rambling statements and awkward writing style, are truely suggestive of other issues going on with you which leads to such aggresive rants.

  6. To the Original Mr. Anonymous –What attack? Is the word "ignorant" racist? Not in context. HOWEVER --- for ME, to ME it is especially when someone calls me that. Really it is that simple. And when I am offended I speak up/out… I assure you I don’t stop breathing or living, loving or laughing because someone chooses to use it…but I certainly will let them know I don’t like it. Soooooooooooo to your next pleasantry… No need to create a list -- when you hit on it - -I’ll let you know. Obitaybe!

  7. Ladylove – I challenge you to find where I have posited such nonsense.

    First – I’m not worried who is aligned where. I know with whom I am aligned and YOU can’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. Oops there I go with my AwkardnessNessNESS

    Now-- Of course I take those things which are addressed to me personally-personal. Who decides what has nothing to with me anyway? You? Nah! The funniest thing, however… is it seems you do to, ergo your response to this post which has nothing to do with YOU personally, right? Right!

    Sorry you don’t like that I think Jerry is correct about looking into blogger's responsibilities when it comes to what they post. NOT! One less stamp you’ll have to spend for my Christmas card!

    Sadly YOU too are just another Anon in this circle of hatred you spew from, but I know you are the minority -- so I endure. It! You! Them! WhatEvahhhh!

    And before you chastise, critique or whatever you call it – someone’s writings spell check your work: “prejudemental (WRONG), truely (TRULY WRONG) and aggresive (Ladyloveonics I AGGRESSIVELY - guess)

    Keep it mov’in SISTAh! or should I say Bruh!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Bob-I'm not posting the name calling stuff... Lo Siento!

  10. P.S. Hey Alan -- I didn't get 1 thin dime from Green (or YOU) on my last run. So I don't even know how you made that flying leap. Are you just being RUDE or are you fishing? Either way it is ridiculous!


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