
The following information contained in this Blog is the sole opinion of the writer based on her personal and professional experiences and viewpoints and IS NOT nor is it meant to represent the official opinion and/or standing of the Board of Education as an entity.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Modern Day Genocide...

After attending the Plainfield’s Promise: Speaker Series this past Saturday that featured Director, Writer, Film Maker Alrick Brown, a haunting thought has been a constant drumming in my spirit. Are we responsible for a modern day Genocide? By definition -- Genocide -- is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group (our city’s Youth).

Are we responsible for systematically killing a generation’s HOPE for a better life and world?

Has the pervasive presence of mediocrity in our pedagogy, parental involvement, leadership and community support destroyed the potential of this city’s children?

Death of spirit and self-worth is far more catastrophic than death of the body!

We are a fractured community, and just as a fracture bone cannot perform its function effectively – neither can a fractured society.

How committed are we in finding out what is eating at the spirit of our children?

1 comment:

  1. Renata-

    After a long hard look at myself and of course a whole lot of prayer, I know that our youth are an endangered species. Their educational, financial and community futures are under attack. After the results of this political election I realize that we have alot of work to do and it must start in our own backyards. I personally believe in economic and community development and believe our youth needs to understand the importance of these two. I am in the process of working on some things and will get back to you what I believe I can contribute but we must start somewhere.


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